
Good Cosmetics

This is a project that I have created from the very start. I decided to create Good Cosmetics, a brand that views natural, organic, and environmentally-friendly products as the heart and soul of their brand. I chose to create a project for myself that allowed me to work on every step of the branding process.

This meant that I needed to create an identity/brand that could cross all mediums, not something that can only work for one business card, but something that can move gracefully across all platforms.

For Good Cosmetics, I created the identity, packaging, advertisements, a catalog, and a process book that summed up all of the work I did. 


Branding & Packaging


Good Cosmetics was an idea I had when I was processing what I wanted my cosmetic company to look like. It sounds pretty cheesy, but as I thought about the ideals that I wanted my company to hold to, the name sort of stuck.

Good Cosmetics is a company that I want to stand out from the others like it. I want it to be honest, and to hold to higher standards. Essentially, all of Good’s products and labels would be organic, natural, and environmentally friendly. Good Cosmetics is simply good. It’s good for your skin, good for the environment, and it looks good!

Since Good is attempting to be the simple, honest things in life, I wanted the branding style to fit that as well. I played with a lot of colors, but finally settled on the primary colors.


I wanted to find clear glass bottles, and allow the packaging to allow the costumer to see inside the bottle, so that the honesty part of Good’s ideals could come through even in the labels. I hoped to create simple solutions that establish feelings of trust. I wanted to create labels that showed off the product itself, so that the product is the focus and the label is just a platform.



Advertisements are very important to a brand, especially a cosmetic company. The main problem I see with the majority of cosmetic advertisements is how much information is on each advertisement. And most importantly, how each product is being used on a picture perfect model, something that many people will never be able to achieve. These companies falsely advertise what it is actually like to use their product and how it will benefit the consumer.

Instead, I wanted to shed some light on that subject by only advertising the actual ingredients with the product. I wanted people to simply see the beauty of the product itself, instead of giving a false identity to what a consumer will look like if they use it. If people portray my products as beautiful (inside and out), then in return, the products will make them feel beautiful just by using it.

There are currently a lot of real life, hand placed ad’s circling around, and I am very intrigued by the organic feel of it. There is no Photoshop involved, no fake elements added; only the real and natural come through.



It is very important for a consumer to see your products being used in everyday life; to be used by someone that they can see themselves in.

With Good, I displayed the products in a bathroom with a model, to show just how good the products will look in a consumer’s home, amongst their other possessions. I also wanted to show just how easy it is to use my products, and the experience that goes along with it.

Thankfully, for this part of the process, I had the help of my two friends, Kayla Plouffe and Jenna Mohn. Jenna took hold of my vision and shot the photos, and Kayla modeled and helped style the shoot.

We shot in two beautiful bathrooms that gave off a ton of light, something that was very important to me going into the shoot. I wanted the light and bright feeling to show the clean, fresh feeling of the products, the branding, and the season that we were placing the products in. It turned out better than I could have even imagined.
